This is the first BeautifulPress email of the year 2022. So as I didn’t get a chance to tell you before, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? If so, one of them may be to create your WordPress site.
But it is not easy to find inspiration, especially when the winter cold sets in. To help you with that, here is our latest selection of the most beautiful WordPress sites.
This month, to warm you up, we’re going to feed you with some hot crepes, make you travel, and give you a lot of love.
Make yourself comfortable, let’s go!
#1 Côté Crêpes
#2 Falling Garden
#3 Eutelnet
#4 From Moonlight
#5 Kayla Bowie Creative
#6 Samm Blake
#7 Ciara Mulligan
#8 JB Manzo
#9 With Rhianna May
#10 CDC Habitat
I hope this new menu has whetted your appetite.
Thank you for reading, and see you next month for another selection. 😉