Report Yak is the corporate reporting vertical of venture studio Prototyze. They offer content and design services for annual, sustainability, integrated, ESG, CSR, and impact reports in print and digital formats. Their expertise also lies in offering advisory services on the various reporting standards and frameworks. Why the unique name, you may ask? The yak is known for carrying heavy loads and helping mountaineers scale summits, each time. Similarly, their team of experts, the Yaks, ensure that the daunting exercise of making annual reports is made smooth, memorable, and less anxious. Any annual report is an opportunity you can leverage to influence the decisions of your shareholders and investors. To help you in your journey, they employ an end-to-end approach that takes organisations through content strategy, content and design ideation, and application of the relevant standards and frameworks, to the final report. They are passionate and tenacious individuals; work hard, laugh a lot, brainstorm nonstop and churn out reports that make organisations and them proud.